Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First Contact

Dear Adam

      You will be much happier in 2013 than you are now in 2000.  I am happy just talking to you, to tell you of all the adventures you are going to have discovering yourself. You will pass through being straight, then gay, then straight, then bi again but you will come to terms with your homosexuality. Time heals sorrowed hearts; do not weigh heavy on yours. I will recount to you the many stories you will go through, maybe it will help you Adam. It might help you get out of your bubble of misery that you have suffocated within.

      You will come out to the first person in 2009,  you will be in your junior year at university and tell your cousin. You have kept it in for so long, it’s shocking. She will take it surprisingly well, you will feel heavy the moments before you utter the words “I am gay” or as you will put it “I think I am gay”. You will be lost, and a million thoughts will cross your mind, but remain steadfast. She will hug you with all her might and ask you: “Are you sure? What about your girlfriend?” You will lie at first! But try not to lie while coming out; being honest with others will be a lot easier than being with you. She will say “Where will the world be without its twists and turns and your uniqueness!”

      Her words will linger for many more years to come, was the message hers or was it a message from the universe, God, or Buddha to start coming out? Either way it will be a driving force that will push you to tell 50 more people after her. You will tell your parents, your brother, your sister and all your straight friends. It will be an exhilarating feeling, a feeling that you could get high on.  Do it Adam! You do not realize how much telling people will change your life, how much it will change theirs and how much it will change society’s view on homosexuality. If all the gays in Lebanon came out to at least 50 people, I think it would make the world a lot more tolerable. Here’s to hoping. 



  1. You are stupid. Please stop writing.

    "If all the gays in Lebanon came out to at least 50 people"
    If you had it easy and your parents and friend took it well doesn't mean that it will turn out the same for everyone. Seems that you are a spoiled little self-centered AUB brat who has no grasp of reality.

  2. If you are out to everyone and so happy about it, why are you hiding behind a fake name?

    1. Thank you for taking the time to ask a very valid question. The answer is twofold. First, I believe that even though I am out to my direct community, I want people to take me for who I am, not for being gay. Even though being gay is a part of me, it doesn’t define me. Second, I believe Adam could be anyone of us sharing his story. It doesn’t matter if I was X, Y or Z the point is I would like you to read what is embedded in between theses lines and not for what is implied by a name. Not everything you read in these stories are valid parts of my life, some are my friends stories and I write in their name. I hope you keep reading in spite of this and thank you for your support.

  3. i loved the blog little Adam, keep up the good work :)
